We help brands boost their revenue

with effective ad strategies.

(We run your ads, you enjoy drinking margaritas in Fiji)

What we Offer?

Increase ROAS and Start Scaling

We help our clients increase their returns and start scaling by helping them make their advertising more effective, powerful and ultimately profitable by adding in TikTok and Snapchat.

If you're new to running ads we'll find what platform is the most profitable and has the most potential for your specific brand whether that's TikTok, Snapchat, or even Facebook.

User Generated Content

One of the things that can make or break your advertising and even organic growth is the content you use.

User Generated Content is by far the most powerful content style you can use in not only your advertising but also your social media posts.

With our 100+ network of content creators combined with our expertise we'll be able to create the best User Generated Content to use for your brand.

Grow Organically

One big opportunity TikTok brings is how easy things can go viral. With the right strategy you can have content you post get tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of views.

By making the creatives to post organically and use in ads we can create what works best for your brand to grow on TikTok.

Retain and Increase Customer LTV

A big piece to scaling your ads and growing your company is being able to retain customers and increase their Lifetime Value as much as possible.​

That's why when we take on clients we help them optimize their email & SMS marketing along with implementing retention strategies like subscriptions, mailing gift cards, post purchase campaign, etc.

What we Offer?

Increase ROAS and Start Scaling

We help our clients increase their returns and start scaling by helping them make their advertising more effective, powerful and ultimately profitable by adding in TikTok and Snapchat.

If you're new to running ads we'll find what platform is the most profitable and has the most potential for your specific brand whether that's TikTok, Snapchat, or even Facebook.

User Generated Content

One of the things that can make or break your advertising and even organic growth is the content you use.

User Generated Content is by far the most powerful content style you can use in not only your advertising but also your social media posts.

With our 100+ network of content creators combined with our expertise we'll be able to create the best User Generated Content to use for your brand.

Grow Organically

One big opportunity TikTok brings is how easy things can go viral. With the right strategy you can have content you post get tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of views.

By making the creatives to post organically and use in ads we can create what works best for your brand to grow on TikTok.

Retain and Increase Customer LTV

A big piece to scaling your ads and growing your company is being able to retain customers and increase their Lifetime Value as much as possible.​

That's why when we take on clients we help them optimize their email & SMS marketing along with implementing retention strategies like subscriptions, mailing gift cards, post purchase campaign, etc.

Extremely Profitable, Tangible Results

Case Studies

Invested $83,254.46 => Generated $272,242.08 (3.27x ROAS)

What we did?

This is one of our clients that were advertising at scale spending a bit more than $83,000 on TikTok with a 3.27x ROI and generating more than $250,000 each month.

This company is in the beauty/cosmetics industry

Our strategy took more or less a full funnel approach where at top of funnel we targeted a broad audience with UGC ads that were designed for engagement and to spark overall interest.

We then retargeted the people that showed interests with ads that had creatives centered around showing a discount in the first 3 seconds, talking about the products value proposition, or answering any objections.

Invested $7,030.03 => Generated $77,220.33 (10.98x ROAS)

What we did?

This is a skincare brand where starting Snapchat actually helped increase their ROAS on Facebook.

By funnelling top funnel traffic for nearly a quarter of the cost than what we would've been able to on Facebook, we were able to retarget them using Facebook ads and increase our returns there.

However the biggest part of our strategy in helping this brand increase their Facebook ROAS was the User Generated Content.

For this brand, UGCs helped them stand out in the eyes of their customers inside a relatively competitive industry. Our strategy with the content was to put the customer in the shoes of who was making the content in order to hit their pain points and leverage their product as a solution.

Why Work With Us?

We are going to implement a complete strategy for you, not only the ads.

And in term of ads creation; We've mastered not only Facebook but platforms like TikTok which has lower CPMs than Facebook it costs nearly 6-10 times less for every 1000 impressions.

To put that in perspective, if you're at a 2x ROAS on Facebook, by changing nothing but the CPMs and getting that down by a factor of 6, you can get that to a 12x ROAS.

And we have a crazy guarantee:

We'll add 30% to your MRR in 3 months or we'll work for free until we do.

Want to see how you can scale your brand and make your ads more profitable?

Funnelfit Agency

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📍 De los dramaturgos 4907 Fracc. Portalegre Premium , Culiacán Sinaloa México

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Email us info@funnelfitagency.com